INDECO – Feel nature
Nature creates, INDECO links.
Feel nature project was born in 2016 (if you do not know anything about this project, please click here to find out the origins). This is a philosophy, our way to decor.
In its habitat every natural element is perfect, as it appears.
In 2017 we have illustrated this through cases and images of success. This is the moment to change and emotional videos are the protagonists.
Our research creates this perfection through the art of decoration.
To decor following the nature means to give a form to the object and this will exalt the strength and its aspect.
As staff of INDECO SERIGRAFIA, we want that your packaging will give this harmonic beautifulness, by being inspired by the nature, more innovative techniques of decoration: varnishing effect, serigraphy, pad printing, 360° flocking effect, hot stamping and 3D sublimation.
INDECO Feel Nature. Decorating according to nature.
#7 Laser marking on flock
#6 Screen printing
#5 Varnishing
#4 3D Sublimation
#3 Hot stamping
#2 Flocking
#1 Pad Printing
#0 Main video
INDECO Feel nature. Decorating according to nature.
The Feel Nature project stems from one of the, often subconscious, requests we receive from customers: that of obtaining prints that are increasingly related to nature as regards colours, images and finishes.
So why not develop new decorations, taking inspiration from the world around us?
Modern INDECO processing techniques allow us to decorate all kinds of packaging with colours, materials and nuances that seem to come straight from nature.
Follow us for all this period.
Stay tuned!
Click here to find out the origins of FEELNATURE
We can help you if you have any question or need a quote or design requirement.